Maybe because as the only child, i have long period of time when i was alone
and just spending alot of my time on my own, just reading.
I feel the constant need to reach for my novels, especially when i'm going through a more stressful phrase, i cannot imagine not being able to just relax and "escape" to a different world even for a mere 30 minutes a day.
Just last week i receive probably one of the best gift i could ever get..
Was having dinner with boyf's parents at his place, and DHL came and dropped a parcel for.. ME!

It's an Amazon Kindle 3 Wi-fi version, my 20th birthday + our 6th year anniversary gift! I really really love it, it's MAD cool. Thank you baby for the best gift ever!

It's crazy thin and light, don't have to lug a novel all over in my purse everyday to work from now on!
The E-Ink kindle uses is crazy awesome, really no glare,
it's like a real novel without the weight!
I'm currently reading Safe Haven By Nicolas Sparks.
Bought a super sweet Snow white kindle pouch from Etsy after i received my Kindle3

The seller is so cute! Hahaha, cannot resist cutesy things.

Permanent "home" for my precious kindle!

Will be sharing how to purchase a kindle 3 wi-fi and using a kindle
in singapore in my next post! (Cos the services for kindle is actually
not extended to Singapore, for dunno what crazy reasons!!!)
Was really happy I could spend on precious saturday with boyf last weekend,
since i started my new job, i'm working office hours and boyf usually HAS to
work on sat/sun. So we haven't been spending much quality time together..
I mean, work for the entire week of course you'd want your boyf to be able
to enjoy the weekends with you, go for a short weekend trip to batam for cheap seafood/cableskiing, go on a date for movies & shopping session with the boyf
OR even to nua at home.. i'll be happy and satisfied.
But we just weren't spending anytime together,
and i kind of persuaded boyf to take up a job offer (office hours too!) that his friend was telling him about when they met at a dinner.. and it's confirmed, he's taking up the job!!!
I can't find words to explain how relieved i am, i truly felt that our relationship
was almost till the limit and i was not going to be able to stand having a boyf
whose schedule is totally opposite from mine..
How can any relationship last long this way?
I find it so tiring and sickening.
But now.. i feel so blessed and happy!
Every precious weekend could be spend in his arms. (:
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